QuickBooks Notice: We are aware that some customers are experiencing an issue connecting their QuickBooks software with Business Online Banking after a recent QuickBooks update. Please try reconnecting your account by following these instructions. If you are still unable to connect, please reach out to your QuickBooks support.

Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is an essential source for Unity Bank to obtain an accurate assessment of the level and quality of service we're offering. Our promise is to respond promptly and accurately to customer feedback regarding the bank’s products, services, or the manner in which the Bank treated the customer. Feedback is a useful way that help us identify opportunities to improve our products and services and meet our customer's expectations.

Provide Feedback

If you feel that you would like to provide feedback, there are two ways you can do it:

  1. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has a website to collect feedback or consumer complaints directed toward financial products and services.  consumerfinance.gov 
  2. You can contact our Customer Care Team at

Customer Complaint Form

Customer Celebration Form

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